
Communicating Confidence

Adult Communication Skills Consultancy

Claire has a BSc (Hons) Speech Pathology and Therapy (1995) from Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh. She has undertaken research on impairments of language subtext misinterpretation in traumatic brain injury during a Master of Philosophy from Strathclyde University, Glasgow.

Originally from Fife, she has worked in England, New Zealand, and Scotland as a speech and language therapist (SLT). She also has qualifications in coaching, counselling, and adult education.

Claire’s professional experience ranges from work as a clinical specialist and department lead in neurology and surgery, a clinical educator for students and junior staff, and service trainer in brain injury and neurology.

She is a specialist SLT in traumatic brain injury with challenging behaviours and social skills impairments. She also has minimal experience with clients in prolonged disorders of consciousness.

Claire has worked as an SLT in the surgical and medical specialties of A&E, intensive care unit and high dependency unit, neurosurgery, Ear, Nose, and Throat surgery, tracheostomy lead, cardiac surgery, gastro-enterology, elderly care, respiratory medicine, oncology, orthopaedic surgery, spinal cord injury, psychiatry, and adult learning disabilities across acute, rehabilitation, and community sectors.

She is a member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, Health and Care Professionals Council, Case Management Society UK, and the British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management.

Currently, Claire is the clinical lead for brain injury and specialist rehabilitation case manager with a national case management company, working from home. She covers the whole of Scotland and north of England.

Claire is based in Lothian and can travel through Scotland when required, weekday evenings and weekend days.